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My search for a natural way to health was triggered by my children’s illness; they both have type 1 diabetes. We went through the elimination diets; many supplements that were advised upon the toxic metal hair analysis were used; in 2008 we started the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). All of these gave some improvements, but we did not see a big difference in their wellbeing. The children returned to general guidelines of healthy eating; beloved potato, rice and pasta returned to their menu. However, I continued the SCD. By chance in 2016 I stumbled upon GAPS. It hooked me instantly as Dr Natasha explained the mechanism of how any autoimmunity could be reversed; how the food makes us healthy. I am very proud of my children that they started the GAPS diet in 2016. They have big improvements in their wellbeing. Their digestion improved; they use only half of insulin doses that on average used at their age.


When we started the GAPS diet, I did not have any expectations for my health improvement. But I had some unexpected “side effects”. Six months into the diet I noticed that my teeth filled up with calcium and lost their sensitivity to sour foods, my gums grew back and became solid. In one and a half years my thyroid function was restored. Later, when the menopause hit me in earnest, I could manage it with the Protocol successfully.


I am very pleased to become a Certified GAPS Coach and be able to work with other people, help them to navigate through the GAPS Protocol and learn from them about surprising outcomes of GAPSy lifestyle.

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